About Gustey

Fresh Truck’s new Program Coordinator, Gustey Vilme, offers her “Fresh Take” on joining About Fresh, living in Boston, and omelets that hit the spot.

Tori Strickland • 1 min read

What are you excited to bring to the team?

GV: A new perspective. I’m from the areas Fresh Truck serves, like Hyde Park, so I’ve seen Fresh Truck, I have volunteered with Fresh Truck before, and I know some people in the community who don’t even know what Fresh Truck is. I am hoping I can share input from the community perspective.

What do you love about living + working in Boston?

GV: Right now, I’m in the Allston/Brighton area. It has a low-key city vibe. It’s busy, but not too busy. It has the best of both worlds, in that sense, which is pretty nice.


What is the food or the meal that makes you smile the biggest?

GV: An omelet. I got introduced to omelets at UMass Dartmouth Residential because they had this omelet line, and it was the best part of the day. One of my friends introduced me to putting tomatoes in your omelet, and it’s amazing! It’s my thing now, with some spinach and bacon. I love it, it hits the spot!

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Check out Gustey’s bio + follow About Fresh on Instagram for more of her story.


Blog / About Gustey

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